![IR Kızılötesi Engel Kaçınma Sensörü](http://ideacdn.net/shop/ah/60/myassets/products/666/ir-kizilotesi-engel-kacinma-sensoru.jpg?revision=1697143329)
IR Kızılötesi Engel Kaçınma Sensörü
Satış Fiyatı
30,38 TL
(Kdv Dahil)
Stok Kodu
0,70 USD + KDV
29,93 TL
(%1,50 havale indirimi)
*5,42 TL den başlayan taksitlerle!!
IR Kızılötesi Engel Kaçınma Sensörü
Akıllı Araç Robot Yansıtıcı Fotoelektrik 3pin IR Infrared Engel Kaçınma Sensörü
Mesafe: 2 - 30cm,
Algılama Açısı: 35C
Çalışma Voltajı: 3.3V – 5V
Nesnelere kızılötesi ışık göndererir ve yansıyan ışınlar yardımıyla algılar
Kart üzerindeki potansiyometre ile hassaslık ayarlaması yapılmaktadır. ( Saat yönünün tersine çevrildiğinde algılama mesafesi azalır. )
Dijital çıkış ile engel durum bilgisini verir ( 0-1 ). Bu çıkış ile röle sürülebilir.
LM393 entegresi ile karşılaştırma işlemi yapılmaktadır.
VCC: 3.3V-5V external voltage (can be directly connected to 5v and 3.3v MCU MCU)
GND: GND External
OUT: Small board digital output interface (0 and 1)
The sensor module adaptable to ambient light, having a pair of infrared emitting and receiving tubes, transmitting tubes emit infrared certain frequency, when the direction of an obstacle is detected (reflection surface), the infrared reflected is received by the reception tube, After a comparator circuit processing, the green light is on, but the signal output interface output digital signal (a low-level signal), you can adjust the detection distance knob potentiometer, the effective distance range of 2 ~ 30cm, the working voltage of 3.3V- 5V. Detection range of the sensor can be obtained by adjusting potentiometer, with little interference, easy to assemble, easy to use features, can be widely used in robot obstacle avoidance, avoidance car, line count, and black and white line tracking and many other occasions.
When the module detects an obstacle in front of the signal, the green indicator lights on the board level, while the OUT port sustained low signal output, the module detects the distance 2 ~ 30cm, detection angle 35 °, the distance can detect potential is adjusted clockwise adjustment potentiometer, detects the distance increases; counterclockwise adjustment potentiometer, reducing detection distance.
The sensor active infrared reflection detection, target reflectivity and therefore the shape is critical detection distance. Where the minimum detection distance black, white, maximum; small objects away from a small area, a large area from the Grand.
The sensor module output port OUT port can be directly connected to the microcontroller IO can also be directly drive a 5V relay;
Comparators LM393, stable;
The module can be 3-5V DC power supply. When the power is turned on, the red power indicator lights;
With the screw holes 3mm, easy fixed installation;
Each module has been shipped threshold comparator voltage adjusted by potentiometer good, non-special case, do not adjustable potentiometer.
Paket İçeriği:
IR Kızılötesi Engel Kaçınma Sensörü
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