STM32F030F4P6 Gelistirme Kartı
STM32F030F4P6 Geliştirme Kartı
ST firmasının F0 ailesinden cortex M0 çekirdekli 48 mhz, 32bit mcu kullanılmıştır. Kuçük yapısına rağmen çalışma için gereken tüm donanım ihtiyaçları kart üzerinde bulunmaktadır. Microusb soket üzerinden kart beslemesi sağlanır. SWD soketi ile program ve debug işlemleri yapılabilir. Reset butonu, kristal ve pin headerlar ile uygulama geliştirmede ihtiyacınız olabilecek malzemeler kit içerisinde gelir. Bu kit ile 32 bit arm dünyasına hemen girebilirsiniz.
Mcu Özellikleri :
Core: ARM® 32-bit CortexTM-M0 CPU, frequency: ≤48MHz
- 16 to 64 Kbytes of Flash memory
- 4 to 8 Kbytes of SRAM with HW parityChecking: CRC calculation unit Reset and power management
- Voltage range: 2.4 V to 3.6 V
- Power-on/Power down reset (POR/PDR)
- Low power modes: Sleep, Stop, Standby Clock management
- 4 to 32 MHz crystal oscillator
- 32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration
- Internal 8 MHz RC with x6 PLL option
- Internal 40 kHz RC oscillator Up to 55 fast I/Os
- All mappable on external interrupt vectors
- Up to 36 I/Os with 5 V tolerant capability 5-channel DMA controller 1 x 12-bit, 1.0 μs ADC (up to 16 channels)
- Conversion range: 0 to 3.6 V
- Separate analog supply from 2.4 up to 3.6 V Up to 10 timers
- One 16-bit 7-channel advanced-control timer for 6 channels PWM output, with deadtime generation and emergency stop
- One 16-bit timer, with up to 4 IC/OC, usable for IR control decoding
- One 16-bit timer, with 2 IC/OC, 1 OCN, deadtime generation and emergency stop
- Two 16-bit timers, each with IC/OC and OCN, deadtime generation, emergency stop and modulator gate for IR control
- One 16-bit timer with 1 IC/OC
- One 16-bit basic timer
- Independent and system watchdog timers
- SysTick timer: 24-bit downcounter Calendar RTC with alarm and periodic wake up from Stop/Standby Communication interfaces
- Up to two I2C interfaces: one supporting Fast Mode Plus (1 Mbit/s) with 20 mA current sink
- Up to two USARTs supporting master synchronous SPI and modem control; one with auto baud rate detection
- Up to two SPIs (18 Mbit/s) with 4 to 16 programmable bit frame Serial wire debug (SWD)
Paket içeriği :
- 1 Adet STM32F030F4P6 Geliştirme Kartı.
- 2 Adet 12 Pin Erkek Header
- 1 Adet 8 Mhz Kristal